Who is Muang’Akili

An introduction

Muang'Akili Tum'zito
2 min readOct 23, 2020

Alphabet Inc. is an American parent company that supersedes Google and many other companies including Waymo, Deepmind, and such.

In any company, there is a structure in the organization construct that manifests on a physical level as a building. There are workers in a specific company under Alphabet.

The author, however, is a dude from an accounting department, an average joe like everybody else who resides under the conglomerate which is Muang’Akili. and through this conglomerate, this author has an access to the entire resources and information. This author can not even be compared to Google in Alphabet Inc, but Muang’Akili can be compared to Alphabet Inc.

About the author.

I have already hit the mark this October, I am 40 years old now, single never married, and have no kids.

Born in Africa, just like every African, seeking better opportunities, I was lucky enough to went for my studies in Canada, where I was warmly welcomed and embraced by the white people, no. not the Caucasian people but the white flurry, the snow, and the extreme cold. I’ve spent a lot of years in Canada, just like everyone else living my life scraping for any spiritual material that I can lay my hands on. My private life has been more on the quest and search.

Having a Christian background I remember having a hard time resonating with the whole Idea because they choose and pick what suits their ego and what doesn’t. This resulted in creating a thicker layer of myself counting with even a thicker layer of stubbornness barricade my true self inside avoiding being persecuted verbally, intellectually, and spiritually.

So when I went to Canada, I loosen a little bit and had time to do my own research. But the economy and business of life had consumed my mental energies to have sufficient energy to bring myself together.

Then recently I decided to move back to Africa, Here I have lots of time on my hand, and it was this time that I had a reawakening, I connected to the voices of the Ancient past, The types of things that have been demonized, the things we leave in the closets unattended, and do what we must to keep them quiet silencing them with entertainment, liquor, humor drugs, and religion.

They have always tried to communicate with me. This made me realized there is an entire network of beings behind each and every one of us that if we really want to ask, they will reply.

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you”



Muang'Akili Tum'zito

An ordinary person, experiencing an extraordinary phenomenon. I talk, write and do all things life offers.