Conversation with the Great Earth Spirit — GAIA — Part 8

Genetic Modification.

Muang'Akili Tum'zito
3 min readMar 8, 2024
Golden Ant-queen

While the techniques employed by King Ur differed from the current practices of scientists manipulating DNA to blend diverse creature families, the outcomes are remarkably similar. King Ur’s actions have left an indelible mark, prompting a replication of past occurrences within you.

Biologically, you find that your nature has undergone a transformation, a fusion with a species of yellowish-golden ants renowned for their well-structured social hierarchy and efficient management. The inherent hierarchical order of these ants, typically found in super-forests or super-ecosystems, ensures that lower castes adeptly carry out directives from their higher counterparts.

It is crucial to recognize, however, that despite the tangible effects of genetic modification, these alterations are inherently transient. The foundational essence of biological life remains spiritual, and the original spiritual signature invariably prevails, reinstating its fundamental rhythms.

Moreover, the queen of these ants possesses the capability to activate diverse characteristics stored in their collective “bio-library.” In each creature family, a form of mass-consciousness exists, which contains all their progress and information that species can access to extract knowledge and utilize it.

However, with social creatures like ants, the queen holds exclusive privileges to access everything, while lower castes lack the capability to do so. As a result, the queen can breed different classes of ants for specific functions.

It was during this time that the Urians extracted these functions from the ant queen to activate humans accordingly, as you will discover later. Some of you may have suspected that many technological innovations are inspired by nature, similar to creating a camera based on the eye’s function. What might awe you as ‘Alien Technology’ is essentially borrowed functions from creatures in super-forests.

Drawing inspiration from ants, the Urians devised a plan to extract certain characteristics and fuse them with their captors, who were your ancestors before the great conflict.

Once a creature is isolated from its native deities, ruling or controlling them in their natural state becomes challenging, given the differing modes of operation, rhythms, and cycles. Consequently, the captors had to be modified and trained to adhere to the King’s orders. This marked the beginning of mixing different DNA to breed a more efficient working class. The methods differed from contemporary DNA splicing and merging; for them, it involved working with rhythms and vibrations on the energetic levels.

Ants proved to be the perfect candidates for behavioral fusion. Although physical similarities might be lacking upon comparison, behavioral traits exhibit noteworthy similarities. Societal structures, multiplication rates, and technocratic foundations all showcase characteristics fused with what were once your ancestors, creating your present form. An average person’s inclination to take orders or learn new things stems from this fusion. The inability to consume raw food, the need for clothing, and the disruption of environments result from the amalgamation of energetic rhythms, a consequence of King Ur’s craft.

It’s crucial to note that after each celestial cycle, new celestial rhythms bring forth a new Ant queen. Although it is no longer a literal Ant queen, the energies embedded in your genetic signature carry this pattern.

The Urians, minions of King Ur, possess the knowledge to track individuals with the queen’s signature. Their practice involves sacrificing the offspring of these queens and fusing their blood with King Ur, rejuvenating his life and bestowing ruling powers upon him. This disruption breaks the ant’s natural cycle, allowing the Urians to reset a civilization. The older system expires with the queen, paving the way for the rise of a newer structure.

Commonly considered human cousins, such as apes, tend to form small social structures that separate as they grow. This pattern echoes in indigenous people worldwide, shaped by adjustments to their rhythms.

Modern humans exhibit the ability to live in small, concentrated areas, a result of modified tolerance levels. As societal progression continues, subtle modifications unfold, making it increasingly challenging to lead a natural life. The notion of returning to nature is not as straightforward as it may seem; it requires a reversal of these modifications before aligning with natural rhythms becomes possible.



Muang'Akili Tum'zito

An ordinary person, experiencing an extraordinary phenomenon. I talk, write and do all things life offers.