Time Traveler Stuck in the Year 2027

No Humans in 2027 — Possible Parallel Reality of 2021

Muang'Akili Tum'zito


Photo by ActionVance on Unsplash

A man known as Javier from Valencia Spain a city with 2.5 million people, woke up to realize he is the lone survivor because there is no trace of any humans, birds, or animals.

He didn’t have any recollection of his memories, but he found his phone works and is still connected to the internet. All of his digital devices show it is the year 2027. Supposedly there is a connection between 2027 and 2021 making it seem as he is trapped in the future or parallel an alternate reality but still able to communicate back to 2021.

So he began to post videos of him being alone in Valencia Spain, he went to different places that are always crowded with people, but in his videos, you can’t see anybody, her went to places like:

  • Apple store and picked up a phone
  • Police station and drove a police vehicle
  • Zoo where there were no animals
  • Stadium
  • And many other places that would normally be populated.

A lot of people have criticized him, even one of the famous TV hosts challenged him to visit his studio which had lots of security and security cameras, to go and pick up a book, where he actually went and picked…



Muang'Akili Tum'zito

An ordinary person, experiencing an extraordinary phenomenon. I talk, write and do all things life offers.